Artikelzubehör DQR 10.0 (Accessories)
Artikelzubehör DQR 10.0 (Accessories)
The specification of accessory items is optional. If accessory items are transferred, all specifications are mandatory.
No. | Content | Description | Obligation | Format | Quality category | Additional information | Column heading |
1 | Article number | Yes | String 15 | 1 | The article number must be contained in the article data worksheet. | Werksartikelnummer | |
2 | Article number of the accessory | Yes | String 15 | 1 | The article number must be included in the file in the data delivery. | Zubehörartikel | |
3 | Number of assigned articles as accessories (related to basic unit of the article) | Yes | Decimal 16,3 | 1 | - | Menge |
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