Rohstoffe DQR 10.0 (Commodities / Raw Materials)
The transfer of raw materials is optional. If raw materials are transferred, all specifications are mandatory.
No. | Content | Description | Obligation | Format | Quality category | Additional information | Column heading |
1 | Article number | Yes | String 15 | 1 | The article number must be contained in the article data worksheet. | Werksartikelnummer | |
2 | Raw material to which the data refer | Yes | Codelist | 1 | e.g. CU | Material | |
3 | Base specification to which the specified weight percentage refers | Yes | Decimal 18,4 | 1 | e.g. 1000 | Gewichtsbasis | |
4 | Unit of the base specification to which the specified weight refers. | Yes | 1 | e.g. MTR | Basiseinheit | ||
5 | Weight percentage of the raw material | Yes | Decimal 18,4 | 1 | e.g. 50 | Gewichtsanteil | |
6 | Share unit of the raw material | Yes | 1 | e.g. KG | Anteileinheit | ||
7 | Quotation (per 100 KG) of the raw material already included in the price. | Yes | Decimal 15,2 | 1 | e.g. 150 | Rohstoffnotierung |