Langtexte DQR 10.0 (Longtexts)
Langtexte DQR 10.0 (Longtexts)
The transmission of the long texts is optional. Long texts are transmitted in individual long text lines of 40 characters each. If long texts are transmitted, all entries per long text line are mandatory.
No. | Content | Description | Obligation | Format | Quality category | Additional information | Column heading |
1 | Identification number of the long te | Yes | String 8 | 1* | The combination of long text number and long text line number must be unique. | Langtextnummer | |
2 | Consecutive line number of the long text | Yes | Integer 9 | 1* | - | Langtextzeilennummer | |
3 | Long text line | Yes | String 40 | 1* | - | Langtextzeile |
, multiple selections available,