Kopfdaten (Header)
The header data includes information about the manufacturer, catalog, and the master data message.
All information related to a master data delivery is divided into header and article data. The header data, also known as 'administrative data' for the master data server, includes the technically required details for the entire data delivery. This involves information about the supplier or company on the one hand, and details about the catalog on the other. A catalog is a master data record. A supplier can have multiple catalogs that organize their overall assortment into sub-assortments. For example, subdivision into product categories, subdivision into brands, or subdivision into products and spare parts are conceivable.
Data contents at the header level
The information regarding data contents at the header level initially pertains to all known details about the data supplier. Subsequently, overarching details about the entire data delivery follow.
Content | Description | Mandatory field | Structure |
Data supplier ID | GLN of the data supplier | No | Integer 13 Allowed characters: 0-9 |
Data supplier ID type | Type of the data supplier's ID Examples: This field has been added with the DQR 9.0. Further information is provided in the following video: (Enable the automatic English translation in the subtitle option for this purpose)
| No | Text 1-35 characters |
Data supplier name | Company name or legal name of the manufacturer | Yes | Text 1-20 characters |
Data supplier abbrevation | If communicated by the manufacturer, a 2-character abbreviation can be provided here | No | Text with 2 digits |
Catalogue ID | Unique identification of the catalog, consisting of participant ID, country code, and catalog name | No | Text 1-35 digits |
Catalogue name | Descriptive name of the catalog, identical to <name of the delivery> | Yes | Text 35 |
Start of validity | The validity start date indicates when the catalog as a whole should become valid. Note: Validity start date at the article level always takes precedence! | Yes | Date (DDMMJJJJ) |
End of validity | The validity end date indicates when the catalog as a whole should cease to be valid. Note: Validity end date at the article level always takes precedence! | No | Date (DDMMJJJJ) |
Designation of the data delivery | Descriptive content of the data delivery, e.g., Price list 2015 | Yes | Text 1-100 characters |
Notes on data delivery | Description of the significant changes being conveyed in the data delivery | No | Text 1-1000 characters |
Article with system-relevant packaging | Here, it must be indicated whether articles with system-relevant packaging are present in the data delivery.
| Yes | Logical (true / false) |
LUCID number | The number registered with the Central Packaging Registry (ZSVR). Disclosure is mandatory when articles with system-relevant packaging are present | Conditionally mandatory, depending on the specification of the Article with system-relevant packaging | Text 1-20 digits |
Disposal service provider | The name of the disposal service provider | Yes | Text 1-80 characters |
Test constant | Verification constant to ensure character sets. Constant value '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzüöäÜÖÄÜß®€'. This ensures that there are no character errors in the texts. If errors are indicated, the texts should be reviewed. | Yes | Text 256 characters |
Version number | Version number of the interface / DQR. Constant value ‘10.0’ | Yes | Text 4 |
URL Spare parts system | The manufacturer's URL to the spare parts system If the manufacturer offers an online spare parts system, the URL for accessing it can be specified. | No | Text 256 |
Description of spare parts system | Description of spare parts system If a URL to the spare parts system is specified, an additional description of the spare parts system can be entered. | No | Text 256 |
Postal address | Physical address of the manufacturer According to the Product Safety Regulation (GPSR), which has been in force since 13.12.2024, the manufacturer's details are mandatory in end customer shops. In order for these to be available to the other sales levels, they must be specified here. The information applies to all items in the data delivery. In the event that items are not manufactured in-house, a different specification can be provided in the item attributes. | Yes | Text 256 |
Electronic address | E-mail address or a link to a contact form According to the Product Safety Regulation (GPSR), which has been in force since 13.12.2024, the manufacturer's details are mandatory in end customer shops. In order for these to be available to the other sales levels, they must be specified here. The information applies to all items in the data delivery. In the event that items are not manufactured in-house, a different specification can be provided in the item attributes. | Yes | Text 256 |
Packaging disposal
The information regarding the LUCID number and disposal service provider is provided at the line item level in the communication between wholesaler and craftmans for products subject to packaging disposal. In the data provision by the industry, the transfer is done at the header level.
Content | Description | Structure |
LUCID number | LUCID number | Text 1-20 digits |
Disposal service provider | The name of the disposal service provider | Text 1-80 characters |
Guidance for labeling the data delivery:
The labeling of the data delivery should be quickly and easily understood by the wholesaler. It should convey what is new in this data delivery. The following examples are considered good data descriptions:
Prices 2023
Price Update 2023
New Article Numbers
Correction of Long Texts