Werksartikelnummer (Factory article number)

Werksartikelnummer (Factory article number)

The article number is the central key designation and is assigned for the unique (re)identification of an article. This article number must also be unique across all sub-assortments, catalogs, or variants and is assigned by the company at the factory.




Article number

Unique article number consisting of digits and characters, for example: JKS300620112. It is allowed to use symbols like '.' (period) in the article number.

Text 15

The process for changing factory article numbers.

In practice, there are instances where article numbers need to be changed. This can be due to error corrections, system transitions, or similar reasons. To avoid the need for individual bilateral coordination in these cases, the following process is defined and must be used for all article number changes

  1. Provide a mapping table 'Old Article Number' - 'New Article Number.'

  2. Provide the master data delivery with the 'New Article Number.'

The use of alternative processes, such as phasing out articles with the old article number and creating new articles with a new number, must not be used, as this leads to significant problems in wholesale and craftsmanship.


  1. "Providing a mapping table 'Old Article Number' - 'New Article Number'
    The change is provided in addition to the master data delivery. The file contains the 'Old' and 'New Article Numbers' for the affected articles. The mapping file must provide the following information:
    -  When the new numbers take effect and articles can be provided with the new numbers.
    -  Until when articles with the old numbers can be ordered.
    To achieve process reliability, there must be a transition period during which both the 'old' and 'new' numbers are valid.

  2. Providing the master data delivery with the 'New Article Number'
    Within the master data delivery, the articles with the new article numbers are included. The articles with

    the old article numbers are not included.

    The provision of master data should only take place after the provision of the mapping file. Ideally, the provision should occur only after the validity of the new numbers. This is to ensure that the mapping file can be processed by market partners before the master data with the new article numbers is provided.


  • Provision of the mapping table New Number Old Number

    • Provision: 01.06.2022

    • Validity start date for New Number: 01.07.2022

    • Validity end date for Old Number:: 01.08.2022

  • Transition period during which both numbers are valid 01.07.2022 – 01.08.2022

  • Conversion of article numbers in the systems of market partners during the transition period.



  • Provision of the mapping table New Number Old Number

  • Transition period during which both numbers are valid 01.07.2022 – 01.08.2022

  • Conversion of article numbers in the systems of market partners during the transition period.

    • Provision: 01.11.2022

    • Validity start date for data: 01.01.2023


The following mapping table can be used:


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