Langtexte (Long texts)

Langtexte (Long texts)

Long texts provide a detailed description of articles and generally represent a group text that can be assigned to a group of similar articles (e.g., multiple products in a series). These texts are also made available to end customers in quotations or invoices. Long texts are not tender texts but can be a maximum part of it. For maintaining long texts, 99 lines with 40 characters each are available.

Providing them is mandatory when used in other publications. Exception: Spare parts used in spare part lists.







Long text number

Identification number

Text 8

Long text line number

Consecutive line number of the long text 1-99

Integer 9

Long text line

Text content: a maximum of 40 characters per line

Text 40

 As a result, long texts are not maintained directly on the article. Instead, through a unique identification number assigned to the article, there is a reference to the corresponding long text







Long text number

Identification number, reference to the associated long text

Text 8

Guidance for providing long texts

  1. The long texts must not be truncated.

  2. Long texts should generally not be identical to the short texts. There are, of course, products for which a more detailed description is not necessary, such as a screw.

  3. Dummy values are also not allowed here. (Dummy texts are texts without content or with incorrect information.)

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