Preis (Price)

Preis (Price)

The following price types for items are defined and can be specified:

Factory List Price: Selling price ex works (industry). The provision of a factory list price is required once it is also available in other publications of the industrial company.

RRP excluding tax: Recommended, non-binding resale price to the end customer.

Every price indication is generally transmitted excluding VAT. For each selected price type, the necessary details such as price value, currency, price basis, and price quantity unit are provided.




Price value

Price indication according to different price types

Decimal number


Currency denomination for the price value

Specification according to the code list DQR 9.0 Currency (Währung)

Price basis

Quantity indication of the item to which the price refers: possible values are 1, 10, 100, 1000

Integer 9

Price unit

Quantity unit of the item to which the price refers: e.g., Piece, Set, Liter, Kilogram

Specification according to the code list DQR 9.0 Units (Mengeneinheit)


Notes on providing prices


  1. Prices of €0 will be questioned during the visual check by the service team and may result in a deduction on the scorecard. Exceptions include items such as flyers, templates, promotional materials that are understandably free of charge.