General information
Due to the i ncreasing increasing complexity of products, the supply of knowledge is becoming increasingly challenging. To convey knowledge difficult. The “e-learning” information package is available to ensure that knowledge can be conveyed to the defined target groups, there is the information package 'E-Learning.' .
For example, central knowledge environments worlds for trainees can be managed for apprentices, or training on the use of new technologies can be providedtrained. This creates the opportunity to supply provide trade customers with valuable Ee-Learning learning content, such as information about e.g. on new products, in order to strengthen sales opportunities and customer loyalty.
The file may be provided in the following formats:
a. The SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a reference model for
exchangeableinterchangeable electronic learning content
offrom the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative. SCORM
encompassescomprises a (variable) collection of standards and specifications from various sources to enable easy interchangeability,
generalcommon access
,and reusability in
variousdifferent environments of web-based learning content (
b. Although this version is very old, it is still widely usedand some authoring tools only export
onlyin this version.
Starting from the SCORM 2004 version, SCORM consists of four essential documents available in English: Overview, Content Aggregation Model, Run-Time Environment, and Sequencing and Navigation. It is the latest version and is recommended to obtain maximum statistics.
The AICC format is a very early E-Learning standard. AICC was established in 1988 by the Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee to standardize materials and technologies for the training of airline employees, but it is also used in other industries.
The AICC standard uses the HTTP-AICC communication protocol (HACP) to communicate between a Learning Management System (LMS) and the course content. The HACP methodology used by AICC is quite simple and uses an HTML form and simple text strings to transmit information to and from the AICC learning platform.
The original AICC standard is still used by many organizations in various industries for historical reasons, so it is unlikely that the AICC standard will completely disappear in the near future, but generally, AICC is considered a deprecated standard.
In 2016, cmi5 emerged as the successor to SCORM. Cmi5 is based on xAPI and can be seen as xAPI with rules.
xAPI is a highly generalized standard designed to accommodate a wide range of use cases. Developers can define the necessary instructions themselves, introducing a certain level of complexity to the system.
On the other hand, cmi5 is more prescriptive, providing rules for communication between a Learning Management System and learning content. Cmi5 simplifies the application of xAPI by adding constraining rules, essentially combining the best elements of SCORM and xAPI.
The Experience API, or xAPI, also known as Tin Can, is a newer E-Learning standard that allows you to collect data about a variety of "experiences" a learner has, both online and offline. This Application Programming Interface (API) captures data about a learner's or a group's activities in a consistent format and from various technologies.
Compared to SCORM (or even AICC), xAPI is modern, straightforward, and flexible, eliminating many limitations associated with older standards. With support for mobile learning, simulations, virtual reality, complex games, real-world activities, experiential learning, social learning, offline learning, and collaborative learning, xAPI seems poised to become a powerful standard in the coming years.
Angaben zum Upload
About the upload interface, the following information can be provided for the E-Learning package: