E-Learning information package
General information
Due to the increasing complexity of products, the supply of knowledge is becoming increasingly difficult. The “e-learning” information package is available to ensure that knowledge can be conveyed to the defined target groups.
For example, central knowledge worlds for trainees can be managed or the use of new technologies can be trained. This creates the opportunity to provide trade customers with valuable e-learning content, e.g. on new products, in order to strengthen sales opportunities and customer loyalty.
Content Requirements
The file may be provided in the following formats:
a. The SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a reference model for interchangeable electronic learning content from the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative. SCORM comprises a (variable) collection of standards and specifications from various sources to enable easy interchangeability, common access and reusability in different environments of web-based learning content (e-learning).
b. Although this version is very old, it is still widely used and some authoring tools only export in this version.SCORM2004
a. From the SCORM 2004 version onwards, SCORM consists of four main documents, which are available in English: Overview, Content Aggregation Model, Run-Time Environment and Sequencing and Navigation. It is the latest version and is recommended in order to obtain maximum statistics.AICC
a. The AICC format is a very early e-learning standard. AICC was created in 1988 by the Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee to standardize the materials and technologies for training airline employees, but is also used in other industries.
The AICC standard uses the HTTP AICC Communication Protocol (HACP) to communicate between an LMS (Learning Management System) and the course content. The HACP methodology used by AICC is quite simple and uses an HTML form and simple text strings to transfer information to and from the AICC learning platform.
b. The original AICC standard is still used by many organizations across a wide range of industries for historical reasons, so it is unlikely that
the AICC standard will disappear completely in the near future, but in general AICC is a dead standard.Cmi5
a. cmi5, the successor solution to SCORM, was created in 2016. cmi5 is based on xAPI and is effectively an xAPI with rules.
b. xAPI is a highly generalized standard in order to meet as many use cases as possible. The developers can therefore define the necessary
instructions themselves, which does, however, entail a certain complexity of the system.cmi5, on the other hand, does not allow as much freedom, but instead specifies rules for communication between a learning management system and learning content. cmi5 thus simplifies the use of xAPI by adding restrictive rules and gets the best out of SCORM and xAPI, so to speak.
a. The Experience API, or xAPI for short, or Tin Can to use another name, is a newer e-learning standard that allows you to collect data about a variety of “experiences” that a learner has both online and offline. This API (Application Programming Interface) collects data about a learner's or group's activities in a consistent format and from many different technologies.
b. Comparing SCORM (or even AICC) vs xAPI, the Experience API is modern, simple and flexible and removes many limitations associated with older standards such as SCORM or AICC. With support for mobile learning, simulations, virtual reality, complex games, real-world activities, experiential learning, social learning, offline learning and collaborative learning, xAPI looks set to become a powerful standard in the coming years.
Upload details
About the upload interface, the following information can be provided for the E-Learning package:
Kursname: Bezeichnung des Kurses/ Schulung (Course Name: Title of the course/training)
Kurzbeschreibung: Beschreibung des Infopakets (Short Description: Description of the information package)
Inhalt: Hier werden die Inhalte detailliert beschrieben (Content: Detailed description of the contents)
Learning Objectives (ger. Lernziele): Specification of the learning objectives covered by this information package
Target Audience (ger. Zielgruppe): Selection between
Career changers and general audience (ger. Quereinsteiger und allgemein)
Apprentices (ger. Auszubildende)
Individuals interested in the HVAC wholesale trade. (ger. Interessierte im SHK-Großhandel)
E-Learning Format Indication of the format in which the file will be delivered. Selection between
Course Duration (ger. Kursdauer) Geschätzte Dauer des Inhalts in Minuten
Languages (ger. Kurssprache) Angabe welche Sprachen im Kurs verwendet werden
Available in Countries (ger. Verfügbar in Länder) Länder für die Lerninhalte relevant sind
Use of the e-learning content
The description of the e-learning channel can be found here:
The e-learning content provided can be viewed via the >E-Learning< channel:
Alternatively, you can filter for the >E-Learning< info package via the >Library< channel and you will also receive all the e-learning packages provided here. The corresponding courses can be started and carried out via the >Open learning unit< option (eye icon). Here is a view of an example course: