The header data includes information about the manufacturer, catalog, and the master data message.
Inhalt | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Struktur |
Data supplier ID | GLN of the data supplier | No | Integer 13 Allowed characters: 0-9 |
Data supplier ID type | Type of the data supplier's ID Examples: This field has been added with the DQR 9.0. Further information is provided in the following video: (Enable the automatic English translation in the subtitle option for this purpose) | No | Text 1-35 Zeichen |
Data supplier name | Company name or legal name of the manufacturer | Yes | Text 20 |
Data supplier abbrevation | If communicated by the manufacturer, a 2-character abbreviation can be provided here | No | Text 2 |
Catalogue ID | Unique identification of the catalog, consisting of participant ID, country code, and catalog name | No | Text 35 |
Catalogue name | Descriptive name of the catalog, identical to <name of the delivery> | Yes | Text 35 |
Start of validity | The validity start date indicates when the catalog as a whole should become valid. Note: Validity start date at the article level always takes precedence! | Yes | Datum (TTMMJJJJ) |
End of validity | The validity end date indicates when the catalog as a whole should cease to be valid. Note: Validity end date at the article level always takes precedence! | No | Datum (TTMMJJJJ) |
Designation of the data delivery | Descriptive content of the data delivery, e.g., Price list 2015. | Yes | Text 1-100 |
Notes on data delivery | Description of the significant changes being conveyed in the data delivery. | No | Text 1-1000 Zeichen |
Article with system-relevant packaging | Here, it must be indicated whether articles with system-relevant packaging are present in the data delivery.
| Yes | Logisch (true / false) |
LUCID number | Die Nummer die bei der Zentralen Stelle Verpackungsregister (ZSVR) hinterlegt ist. Angabe ist dann Pflicht, wenn Artikel mit systemrelevanten Verpackungen vorhanden sind | Bedingt Pflicht, abhängig der Angabe Artikel mit systemrelevanter Verpackung | Text 20 |
Disposal service provider | Der Name des Entsorgungsdienstleisters | Yes | Text 80 |
Test constant | Prüfkonstante zur Sicherstellung der Zeichensätze. Konstanter Wert “1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzüöäÜÖÄÜß®€“. Diese stellt sicher, dass keine Zeichenfehler in den Texten vorhanden sind. Werden Fehler angezeigt, sollten die Texte überprüft werden. | Yes | Text 256 |