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name | DQR_9_Excel_Template inkl. Hilfestellung.xlsx |
Vorlage CSV DQR 9.0
Die nachfolgende Vorlage können Sie für die Datenlieferung der aktuellen DQR auf Open Datacheck nutzen.
Template Excel DQR 9.0 English
You can use the following template to prepare the data delivery of the current DQR on Open Datacheck. The columns marked in red are mandatory fields and must contain information about your products so that the wholesaler can ensure processing. The template should correspond to the German template when uploading. This template is only for assistance in data preparation.
View file |
name | ENG_DQR_9_Excel_Template incl. assistance.xlsx |
Beispieldaten Excel DQR 9.0
View file |
name | DQR_9_Excel_Template_inkl._Beispieldaten.xlsx |
XML Schema DQR 9.0