Externe Struktur | Interne Struktur | ||
XML | Sheet-Name | Spalten-Name | Anmerkungen |
Header / sSupplierID | Kopfdaten | DatenlieferantID | |
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Header / sSupplierSynonym | Kopfdaten | Datenlieferantkuerzel | |
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Header / sCatalogDesc | Kopfdaten | Katalogname | |
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Header / dValidityEnd | Kopfdaten | Gueltigkeitsende | |
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Externe Struktur | Interne Struktur | ||
XML | Sheet-ID | Spalten-Name | Anmerkungen |
Waregroups / sWaregroup | gruppen | Gruppennummer | Gruppentyp = WG |
Waregroups / sDescription | gruppen | Gruppenbezeichnung | |
Productgroups / sProductgroup | gruppen | Gruppennummer | Gruppentyp = PG |
Productgroups / sDescription | gruppen | Gruppenbezeichnung | |
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Discountgroups / sDescription | gruppen | Gruppenbezeichnung | |
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Bonusgroups / sDescription | gruppen | Gruppenbezeichnung |
Externe Struktur | Interne Struktur | ||
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Articles / sArticle | artikel | Werksartikelnummer | |
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Articles / sSparepartlist | artikel | Ersatzteillistennummer | |
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Articles / cPriceunitPro | artikel | Werkslistenpreis_Preismengeneinheit | |
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Externe Struktur | Interne Struktur | ||
XML | Sheet-ID | Spalten-Name | Anmerkungen |
Longtext / sLongtext | ersatzteillisten | Langtextnummer | |
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Longtext / Longtexts / sText | ersatzteillisten | Langtextzeile |
Externe Struktur | Interne Struktur | ||
XML | Sheet-ID | Spalten-Name | Anmerkungen |
HistoricProducts / sHistoricProduct | historische_produkte | Historisches_Produkt | |
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HistoricProducts / dConstructionTo | historische_produkte | Baujahr_bis | |
HistoricProducts / sConstructiontext | historische_produkte | Baujahrtext | |
HistoricProducts / sShorttext1 | historische_produkte | Kurztext_1 | |
HistoricProducts / sShorttext2 | historische_produkte | Kurztext_2 | |
HistoricProducts / sEan | historische_produkte | GTIN | |
HistoricProducts / sWaregroup | historische_produkte | Warengruppen_ID | |
HistoricProducts / sProductgroup | historische_produkte | Produktgruppen_ID | |
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HistoricProducts / HistoricProductDocs / cDocumentType | hp_dokumentenzuordnungen | Dokumententyp | Dokumententyp = "2D","2F","2S","3C","3B","3A","AN","DB","GG","IS","MA","PA","PP","ZL","SB","SF","PF","TI","TZ","VI","WA","LE","EL","UP","WL","VP","VM","VT","EP","BS","EX","AS","KS","CE","VD","SS" |
HistoricProducts / HistoricProductDocs / sDocDescription | hp_dokumentenzuordnungen | Dokument_Bezeichnung | Dokumententyp = "2D","2F","2S","3C","3B","3A","AN","DB","GG","IS","MA","PA","PP","ZL","SB","SF","PF","TI","TZ","VI","WA","LE","EL","UP","WL","VP","VM","VT","EP","BS","EX","AS","KS","CE","VD","SS" |
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Externe Struktur | Interne Struktur | ||
XML | Sheet-ID | Spalten-Name | Anmerkungen |
Sparepartlists / sList | ersatzteillisten | Listennummer | |
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