

General Data

These data apply to all product types and components and are therefore globally primary. 

Article number

This 15-digit format means the manufacturer’s article number. 

Year of manufacture from/year of manufacture to

These are not mandatory fields. It may be necessary to make historical allocations of products because they continue to be listed under one article number after technical adjustments and thus changes of the data relevant to labelling. For that purpose, the year of manufacture should be stated. 


Product description as a description in text form of the article, see article short texts 1 and 2 under DATANORM. 

Incidence angle modifier (IAM)

Ratio usable heat output of a solar collector at a specific incidence angle and useable heat output at an incidence angle of zero degrees. (Annex I (37) of Regulation (EU) 812/2013). 

Energy efficiency eta-4

Efficiency at rated heat output and high temperature regime in %. 

Energy efficiency class

The energy efficiency class of a space heater. This information is mandatory because it must be included in the packages label. It derives from Annex II of Regulation (EU) No. 811/2013 and/or 812/2013. 

Energy efficiency class 55 degrees Celsius

See remarks on energy efficiency class. 

Energy efficiency in % 55 degrees Celsius

See remarks on energy efficiency in %. 

Energy efficiency in %

The value of the seasonal space heating energy efficiency of the (preferential) space heater in % is necessary because it is required in line 1 of the supplementary fiche for the package. The ‘seasonal space heating energy efficiency’. (ηs) means the ratio between the space heating demand in a particular heating period covered by a space heater, a combination heater, a package of space heaters, temperature controls and/or solar devices or a package of combination heaters, temperature controls and solar devices and the annual energy consumption to cover that demand in % (Art. 2 (21) Regulation (EU) No. 811/2013). 

Energy efficiency colder climate in % 55 degrees Celsius

See also energy efficiency in %. Colder climate means colder climate conditions and refers to temperatures and global solar irradiance conditions characteristic for the city of Helsinki. The data is required for the supplementary fiche for preferential space heaters with heat pump and preferential combination heaters with heat pump. (Annex IV of Regulation (EU) 811/2013 Figure 3) 

Energy efficiency warmer climate in % 55 degrees Celsius

See energy efficiency colder climate in % 55 degrees Celsius. However, the value refers to the city of Athens. 

Energy efficiency class 35 degrees Celsius

See energy efficiency class. Here, however, with respect to low-temperature regime. 

Energy efficiency in % 35 degrees Celsius

See energy efficiency in %. Here, however, with respect to low-temperature regime. 

Energy efficiency colder climate in % 35 degrees Celsius

See energy efficiency colder climate in % 55 degrees Celsius. Here, however, with respect to low-temperature regime.

Energy efficiency warmer climate in % 35 degrees Celsius

See energy efficiency warmer climate in % 55 degrees Celsius. Here, however, with respect to low-temperature regime. 

Energy efficiency in % (temperature control)

This value is required by (3.1) of Annex IV of Regulation (EU) 811/2013. 

Unit can be used individually

This information is required to distinguish whether the product can only be obtained as part of a package offered by the manufacturer or also individually. Example: products, in which several product types of the Regulation are inseparably combined (boilers with integrated temperature control). Products that can not be used individually can not be searched or used individually in a package. 


For the unambiguous assignment of articles at various stages of distribution, a standardised article definition must be used, for example with GTIN (Global Trade Item Number, formerly EAN). Only then data communication via the interfaces can be successfully established. Further information on GTIN is provided at http://www.gs1-germany.de

Back-up immersion heater

A Joule-effect electric resistance heater that is part of a hot water storage tank and generates heat only when the external heat source is disrupted (including during maintenance periods) or out of order, or that is part of a solar hot water storage tank and provides heat when the solar heat source is not sufficient to satisfy required comfort levels. (Article 2 (18) Regulation (EU) 811/2013). The tank class is required to calculate the package’s solar contribution. (A* = 0.95, A = 0.91, B = 0.86, C = 0.83, D-G = 0.81). 

Auxiliary electricity 

Also auxiliary electricity consumption. It means the annual electricity consumption of a solar-only system due to the pump power consumption and the standby power consumption, expressed in kWh in terms of final energy. (Annex I (74) of Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Auxiliary electricity Psb in standby mode 

It means the power consumption of a heater in standby mode, expressed in kW. 

Auxiliary electricity el-max at full load 

Auxiliary electricity consumption at full load 

Collector size

Also collector aperture area. It means the maximum projected area through which unconcentrated solar radiation enters the collector, expressed in m2. (Annex I (70) of Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Collector efficiency (ηcol)

Required to calculate the solar contribution. It means the efficiency of the solar collector at a temperature difference between the solar collector and the surrounding air of 40 K and a global solar irradiance of 1000 W/m2, expressed in %. (Annex I (71) of Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Boiler combination heater

A boiler space heater that is designed to provide additional heat to deliver hot drinking or sanitary water at given temperature levels, quantities and flow rates during given intervals, and is connected to an external supply of drinking or sanitary water. (Annex I (2) of Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Heat pump combination heater

A heat pump space heater that is designed to provide additional heat to deliver hot drinking or sanitary water at given temperature levels, quantities and flow rates during given intervals, and is connected to an external supply of drinking or sanitary water. (Annex I (4) of Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 4 

Load profile

A given sequence of water draw-offs, as specified in Annex VII, Table 3 of Regulation (EU) 812/2013; each combination heater meets at least one load profile. The load profiles range from 3XS (XXXS) for a small basin with 35˚C to 2XL (XXL) for multiple bathrooms used simultaneously. 

First-order coefficient (a1)

Heat loss coefficient of a solar collector, expressed in W/(m2 K). (Annex I (35) of Regulation (EU) 812/2013). 

Pump power consumption (solpump)

Required for the data compilation of the solar device for components of different manufacturers. It means the rated electrical power consumption of the pump in the collector loop of a solar water heater or solar-only system, expressed in W. (Annex I (42) of Regulation (EU) 812/2013). 

Coefficient of performance COPn

COPn coefficient of performance at the test or standard point as specified in Regulation ‘811’ on page 74, Table 9. 

The value is used in accordance with the Guideline from January 2015 to calculate the energy efficiency-hot water for space heaters-heat pump and a supplementary storage. 

Medium (heat pump)

Heat source of the heat pump. Outdoor air, ventilation exhaust air, water or brine 

Annual non-solar heat contribution (Qnonsol)

The annual contribution of electricity (expressed in kWh in terms of primary energy) and/or fuels (expressed in kWh in terms of GCV) to the useful heat output of a package of combination heater, temperature control and solar device, taking into account the annual amount of heat captured by the solar collector and the heat losses of the solar hot water storage tank. (Annex I (69) of Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Useful heat output P4

Useful heat output at rated heat output and high temperature regime, expressed in kW. 

Zero-loss efficiency

(ηO) the efficiency of the solar collector, when the solar collector mean fluid temperature is equal to the ambient temperature. (Annex I (34) of Regulation (EU) 812/2013). 


Means the product fiche pursuant to Annex IV of Regulation (EU) 811/2013 and/or 812/2013. As file names, the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _ are permitted. The files must have the ending ‘.pdf’. 


Means the label as a PDF file complying with the format and content of information set out in Annex III of Regulation (EU) 811/2013 and/or 812/2013. As file names, the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _ are permitted. The files must have the ending ‘.pdf’. 

Product type

Means the product type according to the product list provided. Depicted are all product types covered by the applicable Regulations as well as the components required for the calculation/preparation of the supplementary fiche for the package and/or the package label. 

  • RHG-HK Boiler space heater 

  • RHG-KWK Cogeneration space heaters 

  • RHG-WP Heat pump space heaters 

  • N-WP Low-temperature heat pumps 

  • KHG-HK Boiler combination heaters 

  • KHG-WP Heat pump combination heaters 

  • VBA-RHG-TR-S Package space heaters temperature control and Solar device  

  • VBA-KHG-TR-S Package combination heater temperature control and Solar device 

  • K-WWB Conventional water heaters 

  • S-WWB Solar water heaters 

  • WWB-WP Heat pump water heaters 

  • WWS Hot water storage tanks 

  • VBA-WWB-S Package water heater with solar device 

  • TR Temperature control 

  • SR Solar control 

  • TSR Temperature control and solar control 

  • SE Solar device 

  • KO Collector 

  • PSO Pump solar 

  • SOLG Solar group 

Pump solar

Pump in collector loop. 

Second-order coefficient (a2)

Coefficient measuring the temperature dependence of the first order coefficient, expressed in W/(m2 K2). (Annex I (36) of Regulation (EU) 812/2013). 

Space heater

As specified by Article 2 (2) of the said Regulation a device that 

a) provides heat to a water-based central heating system in order to reach and maintain at a desired level the indoor temperature of an enclosed space such as a building, a dwelling or a room, and 

b) is equipped with one or more heat generators. 

According to Article 2 (4) of Regulation (EU) No. 811/2013, a water-based central heating system is a system using water as a heat transfer medium to distribute centrally generated heat to heat emitters for the space heating of buildings, or parts thereof. 

According to Art. 2 (5) Regulation (EU) No. 811/2013, the heat generator is the part of the space heater that generates the heat using one or more of the following processes: 

a) Combustion of fossil fuels and/or biomass fuels; 

b) Use of the Joule effect in electric resistance heating elements. 

c) Capture of ambient heat from an air source, water source or ground source, and/or waste heat. 

Boiler space heater

Regulation (EU) No. 811/2013 Annex I (1): Means a space heater that generates heat using the combustion of fossil fuels and/or biomass fuels, and/or using the Joule effect in electric resistance heating elements. 

Cogeneration space heater

A space heater simultaneously generating heat and electricity in a single process (Article 2 (11) of Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Heat pump space heater

A space heater using ambient heat from an air source, water source or ground source, and/or waste heat for heat generation; a heat pump space heater may be equipped with one or more supplementary heaters using the Joule effect in electric resistance heating elements or the combustion of fossil and/or biomass fuels. (Annex I (3) Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Solar-only system

A device that is equipped with one or more solar collectors and solar hot water storage tanks and possibly pumps in the collector loop and other parts, which is placed on the market as one unit and is not equipped with any heat generator except possibly one or more back-up immersion heaters. (14) Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Solar hot water storage tank

A hot water storage tank storing heat energy produced by one or more solar collectors. (Article 2 (17) Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Solar device

A solar-only system, a solar collector, a solar hot water storage tank or a pump in the collector loop, which are placed on the market separately. (13) Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Solar collector

A device designed to absorb global solar irradiance and to transfer the heat energy so produced to a fluid passing through it. (Article 2 (15) Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Rated storage volume (Vnom), expressed in litres 

Storage volume (V) means the rated volume of a solar hot water storage tank, expressed in litres or m3. 

Specific standing loss (psbsol), expressed in W/K

Specific standing loss (psbsol), expressed in W/K (K stands for the difference between storage temperature and ambient temperature) 

Standby losses

Power consumption of the temperature control in standby mode (solstandby). Means the rated electrical power consumption of a solar-only system when the pump and the heat generator are inactive, expressed in W. 

Tank volume

Also storage volume: (V). The rated volume of a solar hot water storage tank, expressed in litres or m3. (Annex I (73) of Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Temperature control

The equipment that interfaces with the end-user regarding the values and timing of the desired indoor temperature, and communicates relevant data to an interface of the heater such as a central processing unit, thus helping to regulate the indoor temperature(s). (Article 2 (12) Regulation (EU) 811/2013). Under Commission Communication (2014/C 207/02), temperature controls are categorised in classes. Temperature control classes are defined under (6) of the said Communication: 

Temperature control classes

For temperature controls that may be categorised in various classes due to supplementary parts such as sensors, the individual combinations must be depicted. 

Class I – on/off indoor thermostat

A room thermostat that controls the on/off operation of a heater. Performance parameters, including switching differential and room temperature control accuracy are determined by the thermostat’s mechanical construction. 

Class II – Weather compensator control, for use with modulating heaters

A heater flow temperature control that varies the set point of the flow temperature of water leaving the heater dependent upon prevailing outside temperature and selected weather compensation curve. Control is achieved by modulating the output of the heater. 

Class III - Weather compensator control, for use with on/off output heaters

A heater flow temperature control that varies the set point of the flow temperature of water leaving the heater dependent upon prevailing outside temperature and selected weather compensation curve. Heater flow temperature is varied by controlling the on/off operation of the heater. 

Class IV - TPI room thermostat, for use with on/off output heaters

An electronic room thermostat that controls both thermostat cycle rate and in-cycle on/off ratio of the heater proportional to room temperature. TPI control strategy reduces mean water temperature, improves room temperature control accuracy and enhances system efficiency. 

Class V - Modulating room thermostat, for use with modulating heaters

an electronic room thermostat that varies the flow temperature of the water leaving the heater dependent upon measured room temperature deviation from room thermostat set point. Control is achieved by modulating the output of the heater. 

Class VI - Weather compensator control and room temperature sensor, for use with modulating heaters

A heater flow temperature control that varies the flow temperature of water leaving the heater dependent upon prevailing outside temperature and selected weather compensation curve. A room temperature sensor monitors room temperature and adjusts the compensation curve parallel displacement to improve room comfort. Control is achieved by modulating the output of the heater. 

Class VII - Weather compensator control and room temperature sensor, for use with on/off output heaters

A heater flow temperature control that varies the flow temperature of water leaving the heater dependent upon prevailing outside temperature and selected weather compensation curve. A room temperature sensor monitors room temperature and adjusts the compensation curve parallel displacement to improve room comfort. Heater flow temperature is varied by controlling the on/off operation of the heater. 

Class VIII - Multi-sensor room temperature control, for use with modulating heaters

An electronic control, equipped with 3 or more room sensors that varies the flow temperature of the water leaving the heater dependent upon the aggregated measured room temperature deviation from room sensor set points. Control is achieved by modulating the output of the heater. The temperature control class is required to be stated in the supplementary fiche of the package and for the calculation of the efficiency label of the package. 

Volume of the non-solar heat storage (Vbu) in litres

Required for the calculation of the package. Where individual components of several manufacturers are used in a solar device, this value will be included through the SOLCAL procedure in the calculation of the tank volume. 

Preferential unit

The preferential heater that is used alone until the heat demand is greater than its heat output. 

Standing loss (S), expressed in W 

The standing loss (S) means the heating power dissipated from a solar hot water storage tank at given water and ambient temperatures, expressed in W. 

Rated heat output, expressed in kW

Required value for the calculation of the solar contribution for a solar device package. ‘Rated heat output’ (Prated) means the declared heat output of a heater when providing space heating and, if applicable, water heating at standard rating conditions, expressed in kW; for heat pump space heaters and heat pump combination heaters the standard rating conditions for establishing the rated heat output are the reference design conditions, as set out in Annex VII, Table 10. (Art. 2 (6) Regulation (EU) No. 811/2013) 

Heat output supplementary heater, expressed in kW

Required value for the calculation of the package. ‘Rated heat output of supplementary heater’ (Psup) means the declared heat output of the supplementary heater when providing space heating and, if applicable, water heating at standard rating conditions, expressed in kW; if the supplementary heater is a heat pump space heater or heat pump combination heater, the standard rating condition for establishing the rated heat output of supplementary heater is the outdoor temperature Tj = + 7 °C. (Annex I Regulation (EU) No. 811/2013) 

Rated heat output, expressed in kW 55 degrees Celsius

See General Comments on Rated Heat Output, expressed in kW. 

Rated heat output, expressed in kW 35 degrees Celsius

See rated heat output, expressed in kW 55 degrees Celsius. Here, however, with respect to low-temperature regime.

Heat output supplementary heater, expressed in kW 35 degrees Celsius

See heat output supplementary heaters, expressed in kW 55 degrees Celsius. Here, however, with respect to low-temperature regime. 

Standby heat loss Pstby, expressed in kW 

Standby heat loss (Pstby) means the heat loss of a boiler space heater, boiler combination heater or cogeneration space heater in operating modes without heat demand, expressed in kW. 

Water heating energy efficiency

(ηwh) means the ratio between the useful energy provided by a water heater or a package of water heater and solar device, and the energy required for its generation, expressed in %. Required for the supplementary fiche of a package of combination heater, temperature control and solar device. 

Hot water storage tank

A vessel for storing hot water for water and/or space heating purposes, including any additives, which is not equipped with any heat generator except possibly one or more back-up immersion heaters. (Article 2 (16) Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Water heater

A device that is connected to an external supply of drinking or sanitary water, generates and transfers heat to deliver drinking or sanitary hot water at given temperature levels, quantities and flow rates during given intervals and is equipped with one or more heat generators (for heat generators, see definition there). (Article 2 (1) Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 

Water heating energy efficiency

The ratio between the useful energy provided by a water heater or a package of water heater and solar device, and the energy required for its generation, expressed in %. (Article 2 (14) Regulation (EU) 812/2013). Required for the calculation of the water heating energy efficiency of the package. 

Heat pump water heater

A water heater that uses ambient heat from an air source, water source or ground source, and/or waste heat for heat generation. (Article 2 (17) Regulation (EU) 812/2013). 

Hot water storage tank

A vessel for storing hot water for water and/or space heating purposes, including any additives, which is not equipped with any heat generator except possibly one or more back-up immersion heaters. (Article 2 (9) Regulation (EU) 812/2013). 

Supplementary heater

A non-preferential heater that generates heat in cases where the heat demand is greater than the rated heat output of the preferential heater. (Annex I (5) of Regulation (EU) 811/2013). 9 


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