English DQR 10.0 Attributnamen Attributsystem Verordnungen (Regulations)
The highlighted regulations are only supplied from DQR 10.0 onwards.
Class | Code | Description |
ERP | jahresz. Raumheizung | Seasonal space heating energy efficiency class |
ERP | jahresz. Raumheizung mitteltemp. 55C | Seasonal space heating energy efficiency class Medium temperature applications (55°C) |
ERP | jahresz. Raumheizung niedertemp. 35C | Seasonal space heating energy efficiency class Low temperature applications (35°C) |
ERP | Warmwasseraufbereitung | Class for water heating energy efficiency |
ERP | jahresz. Raumheizung Verbundanlage | Class for the seasonal space heating energy efficiency of the composite system of space heater, temperature controller and solar device |
ERP | jahresz. bed. Kombiheizung Verbundanlage | Class for the seasonal space heating energy efficiency of the composite system consisting of the combination heater, temperature controller, and solar device |
ERP | Warmwasseraufbereitung Verbundanlage | Class for the water heating energy efficiency of the combined system consisting of a combi heater, temperature controller and solar device |
ERP | Warmwasseraufbereitung | Class for water heating energy efficiency |
ERP | Warmwasserspeicher | Energy efficiency class of the hot water tank |
ERP | Warmwasseraufbereitung Verbundanlage | Class for the water heating energy efficiency of the combined system of water heater and solar device |
ERP | Kühlung | Class for energy efficiency cooling |
ERP | Heizung kältere Klimazone | Class for energy efficiency heating colder climate zone |
ERP | Heizung mittlere Klimazone | Class for energy efficiency heating medium climate zone |
ERP | Heizung wärmere Klimazone | Class for energy efficiency heating warmer climate zone |
ERP | Festbrennstoffkessel | Energy efficiency class of the solid fuel boiler |
ERP | Festbrennstoffe Verbundanlage | Energy efficiency class of the composite system consisting of a solid fuel boiler, auxiliary heaters, temperature controllers and solar equipment |
ERP | Lampe | Lamp energy efficiency class |
ERP | Leuchter genehmigt von/bis | Energy efficiency class lamp/lampstand approved from/to |
ERP | LED von/bis | Energy efficiency class LED from/to |
ERP | Leuchtmittel 2019/2015 | Energy efficiency class of the light source (2019/2015) |
Batteriekennzeichnung | Batteriepiktogramm | Battery pictogram |
UBA-Positivliste | Kennzeichen UBA-Positivliste | Indication UBA Positive list |
UBA-Positivliste | Kennzeichen UBA-Anforderung | Indication UBA requirement |
Gefahrgut | Kennzeichen | Indication Dangerous goods |
Gefahrgut | UN-Nummer | UN number |
Gefahrgut | Gefahrenklasse | Hazard class |
Gefahrgut | Beförderungskategorie | Transport category |
Gefahrgut | Offizielle Benennung | Official designation |
Gefahrgut | Technische Benennung | Technical designation |
Gefahrgut | Gefahrenzettel | Hazard label |
Gefahrgut | Verpackungsgruppe | Packing group |
Gefahrgut | Anzahl der Versandstücke | Number of packages |
Gefahrgut | Beschreibung der Versandstücke | Description of packages |
Gefahrgut | Tunnelbeschränkungscode | Tunnel restriction code |
Gefahrgut | Wassergefahrgutklasse | Water hazard class |
Gefahrgut | Begrenzte Menge | Limited quantity |
Gefahrgut | Kemler number | Recording the Kemler number |
Gefahrgut | Battery weight | The battery weight for batteries with a nominal energy of over 100 Wh |
REACH | Kennzeichen | Indicator |
REACH | Datum | Date |
REACH | SVHC_Name | Name of the SVHC substance |
Gefahrstoff | Kennzeichen | Kennzeichen Hazardous substance |
Gefahrstoff | Handelsname | Trade name |
Gefahrstoff | Ergänzende Informationen | Additional Informationen |
Gefahrstoff | Signalwort Achtung | Signal word Caution |
Gefahrstoff | Signalwort Gefahr | Signal word Danger |
Gefahrstoff | Lagerklasse | Storage class |
Gefahrstoff | Kennzeichen nur gewerblich | Label commercial only |
Gefahrstoff | GHS-Gefahrenpiktogramm | GHS hazard pictogram |
Gefahrstoff | Gefahrenhinweis | Hazard statement |
Gefahrstoff | Sicherheitshinweis | Safety advice |
Batteriekennzeichnung | Kennzeichen | Indicator |
Batteriekennzeichnung | Batteriepiktogramm | Battery pictogram |
ECHA-DB | Kennzeichen | Indicator |
ECHA-DB | SCIP-Number | SCIP Number |
Entsorgung | WEE-Registrierungsnummer | WEE registration number |
Explosionsstoffverordnung | Klasse | Class according to the regulation |
GPSR | Postadresse | Physical address of the manufacturer |
GPSR | ElektronischeAdresse | An e-mail address or a link to a simple text 256 contact form of the manufacturer |
EPD | Deklarationsnummer | Declaration number of the EPD |