Individual color configuration

Individual color configuration

On this page you will find information on how you can further customize the library to suit your company through color configuration:


Libraries can be individually configured in terms of color so that they fit better into your own CI. The Open Datacheck color scheme is set as the default color. If the colors are to be customized, you will receive all the information you need to consider during the integration during the setup process.

Color customizable areas

The following areas can be defined with an individual color:

  1. “Search button”:

  2. Channel / library icon:

  3. Bar “displayed channel”:

  4. Button “Delete all filters”:

  5. Button “Open clipping”:

  6. “Checkmark filter selected and “Filter area bar”:

  7. Button “Delete individual filter”:

  8. Buttons “Download document” or “Open document”:

  9. Button “Show watchlist”

The following areas can be customized in color within the PDF viewer:

  1. Buttons in the top button bar

  2. Loading bar above in the PDF viewer

  3. Buttons and bar information overview

  4. Delete and clipping buttons

  5. Buttons for zooming and rotating

  6. Buttons in the “Print” dialog:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-11 um 10.59.15.png
  1. “Play” and “Download” the video.

  1. “Closing” a video:

  1. In addition, the “star” for the top brands is also taken into account in the supplier overview:



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