Preislinien (Line prices)
Article with multiple factory list prices for various lines. The line prices replace the standard factory list price information. The specification of 'Price on Request' and RRP is not possible for this item type.
Content | Description | Structure |
Description | Designation of the price line. This serves for identification. | Text 40 |
Line price value | Price indication | Decimal number |
Line price currency | Currency denomination for the price value | Specification according to the code list English DQR 10.0 Currency (Währung) |
Line price base | Quantity indication of the item to which the price refers: possible values are 1, 10, 100, 1000 | Integer 9 |
Line price unit | Quantity unit of the article to which the price refers: e.g., Piece, Set, Liter, Kilogram | Specification according to the code list English DQR 10.0 Units (Mengeneinheiten) |