Mediendaten (Media data)

Mediendaten (Media data)


Media data for an article can be transmitted in the form of image data (color images, line drawings, environmental images) and additional documents (e.g., assembly instructions, datasheets, videos, CAD drawings). Multiple images can be associated with an article.

The file naming convention for image and document files limits the filename to a maximum of 256 characters, including the dot and file extension. The allowed characters are alphanumeric, including underscores or hyphens, with exactly one dot before the file extension. The filename must not contain umlauts, special characters, spaces, or additional dots.

Upper and/or lowercase are possible in the filename. Each file may only be delivered once in the multimedia pool. It is not permissible to deliver the same file with different upper and lower case variations.

File Naming Structure





1. to 251.



. before file extension

253. bis 256.

file extension

Guidelines for Providing Media Data

  1. Placeholder images are not allowed. Actual images showing the product must be provided.

  2. Cross-product price lists or product catalogs should not be assigned in the document allocation per article. It is sufficient to deliver them through the information packages.

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