Zuordnung Gebühren Artikel (Eichgebühren) (Assignment of fees for articles)

Zuordnung Gebühren Artikel (Eichgebühren) (Assignment of fees for articles)

To represent calibration fees for items such as water meters, a dedicated article type is available. This article type is used to specify the fee. The association of which 'fee article' belongs to an article is made by specifying it as a detail on the article.

The representation is done within the attributes, specifying the attribute system 'Gebühren' (Fees). The attribute name must be specified as 'Eichgebühren' (Calibration Fees). The article number of the fee is specified as the attribute value.

Example: Specification of the association of the fee article (GEB-4711) as a calibration fee for the item 'Wassermeter' (Water Meter) (4715).

Article number

Attribute system

Attribute class

Attribute name

Attribute value 1

Attribute value 2

Attribute unit

Attribute value description

Article number

Attribute system

Attribute class

Attribute name

Attribute value 1

Attribute value 2

Attribute unit

Attribute value description




