Entsorgung / WEEE-Registrierungsnummer (Disposal/ WEEE Registration Number)
The WEEE registration number is provided for products subject to electronic waste disposal.
Content | Decription | Structure |
WEEE registration number | WEEE registration number | Text 40 |
Die Abbildung der Angaben erfolgt in den Artikelattributen im Attributsystem „Verordnungen“ (Code
„Regulations“) und der Attributklasse „Entsorgung“.
The representation of information is carried out in the product attributes within the attribute system 'Regulations' (code 'Regulations') and the attribute class 'Disposal.'
Example of disposal in the attributes.
Article number | Attribute system | Attribute class | Attribute name | Attribute value 1 | Attribute value 2 | Attribute unit | Attribute value description |
4711 | Regulations | Disposal | WEEE registration number | ABC1234 |
AttributeValue2', 'Attribute Unit,' and 'Attribute Value Description' must not be specified.