Löschung von Artikeln (Deletion of articles)

Löschung von Artikeln (Deletion of articles)

Articles that are no longer distributed by the manufacturer must be communicated to the market partners. The communication takes place in several stages, which are:

  1. Announcement that the article will be taken off the market
    The announcement is made by setting the discontinuation identifier and specifying a discontinuation date. Optionally, 1-3 successor articles can be indicated.

  2. Deleting the article in the data delivery
    Deletion can be done through two alternatives

    1. Excluding the article in the data delivery

    2. Setting the deletion identifier for the affected article.

It is recommended to provide the article at least once with a deletion identifier. For deletion (removal or via the deletion identifier), the following regulations apply:

  • Articles may only be discontinued if they were marked as discontinued in the last data delivery, and the discontinuation date is at least 12 months prior to the validity start date of the current data delivery (header data).

  • The discontinuation date must be a maximum of 24 months in the future (discontinuation date to validity start date).

  • Items with a discontinuation date 24 months in the past (discontinuation date to validity start date) must be deleted (discontinued or using the deletion indicator) in the data delivery

It is also recommended to fill in the end of validity. (Gültigkeitsende)

Since the discontinuation date is an estimated date, it may shift over time. In this case, the discontinuation date can and should be adjusted with the data delivery.








Identifier: Yes, No Value list the definitive values are defined in Appendix 4, Code Lists.

Value list

See also entry Discontinued Articles: Alternative-, Discounted- and Successor Article

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