Historische Produkte (Historical products)

Historische Produkte (Historical products)

A <Historical Product> is an article that is no longer in the current product range but is maintained in this category so that spare parts lists with still orderable spare parts for this product can be maintained. A historical product is characterized by the indication of a production period.

In product lines, there are often redundant factory article numbers for current and historical products. Only the combination of the factory article number of the historical product and the start (or end) of a production year enables the unique search for the desired article or spare part.




Historical product

Factory article number of the historical product

Text 15

Year of manufacture from

Start of the production period


Year of manufacture until

End of the production period


Year of manufacture text

Notes / Remarks on the production years / production periods.

Text 35

Short text 1

Structure of Short Text 1 (see Short text 1 and 2 )

Text 40

Short text 2

Structure of Short Text 2 (see Short text 1 and 2 )

Text 40


GTIN (see GTIN (EAN) )

GTIN Format

Commodity group ID

Commodity Group ID(see Commodity group )

Text 3

Product group ID

Reference to the commodity group (see. Product group )

Text 10

Spare parts list number

Reference to the defined spare parts list, which must be included in the data delivery (see. Spare parts lists ).

Text 35

Additional content for historical products is stored here: